Posts Tagged: earth friendly

“Healthy Yard, Healthy Home, Healthy Planet”

“Healthy Yard, Healthy Home, Healthy Planet”

Free 2024 Garden Learning Series continues at 6:00pm CT online only Wednesday August 14th 2024 Merleanne Rampale from SWALCO will share resources, tips and how-to information on ways to create a healthy yard, including information on the importance of healthy soil/compost/composting. Register for this FREE program from Illinois Extension, Lake County Forest Preserves and SWALCO. …

Get Ready For Spring With These Over/After Winter Tips from NWF

Amy McCullough writes: “….Let’s assume you’ve wisely subscribed to the “leave the leaves” mantra—the recommendation to avoid excessive raking, pruning and tidying in fall and winter gardens. Leslie Uppinghouse, a lead horticulturist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, says blowing or hauling away leaves and other good organic material—then buying mulch …

Starting Native Plants from Seed

Starting Native Plants from Seed

Wednesday, November 8 Free 2023 Garden Learning Series concludes at 6:00pm CT online only Final program in this series for 2023. Starting native plants from seed can be challenging until you know the tricks to sparking germination. Discover what it means to stratify and scarify seeds and which species need which treatment. Register for this …

“Landscaping for a Changing Climate”

“Landscaping for a Changing Climate”

Free 2023 Garden Learning Series continues Wednesday, October 11 6-7:30pm CT online only What we plant and how we plant it can make a difference. Discover nature-based solutions for the home gardener that lessen the impacts of our changing climate. Register for this FREE program from Illinois Extension, Lake County Forest Preserves and SWALCO.

Wednesday, August 9 “Butterfly Gardening”

Free 2023 Garden Learning Series continues at 6:00pm CT online only What factors have influenced butterfly populations in our area, and how can gardeners help foster these winged jewels? Discover what you can do to attract more butterflies to your landscape.Register for this FREE program from Illinois Extension, Lake County Forest Preserves and SWALCO.

Wednesday, June 14 “Rain Gardens 101”

Free 2023 Garden Learning Series continues at 6:00pm CT online What are rain gardens and how do they work? This class is an introduction to the functions and benefits of rain gardens at a scale for the average homeowner. We’ll cover the basics of how to start a rain garden including siting, sizing and plant …