Doug Tallamy’s Homegrown National Park Initiative Wednesday, June 7 – 8pm via Zoom
Friends of the Green Bay Trail are sharing a wonderful opportunity to hear a presentation by Doug
Tallamy, right from the comfort of our homes, on Wednesday, June 7, at 8 pm. Doug Tallamy is a
nationally recognized environmentalist and founder of the Homegrown National Park initiative,
which challenges private and public property owners to offset some of the impacts of climate
change by practicing conservation where we live and work. Owners can create diverse ecosystems
at home and in communities by reducing lawns, removing invasives and selecting ecologically
effective plants to restore ecological networks and critical diversity.
“We are at a critical point where we are losing so many native plant and animal species that our
natural life support is in jeopardy. With small changes we can restore healthy ecological
networks and weather the changes ahead.”
Registration is required