Habitat HP

Garden Tips for Growing Veggies March 8!

Second in the free virtual Garden Learning Series will be held Wednesday, March 8 at 6:00-7:30pm. Register from QR or contact Jesse Davis jessebd@illinois.edu. Imagine tasting your own vegetables picked fresh from your garden. Build your success with research-based methods that promote healthy, productive plants. U of I Extension Master Gardeners provide tips. (And in ...

Thinking green?

Think native plants! HabitatHP wants you to know about the free online 2023 Garden Learning Series. Most programs will be held second Wednesdays of the month, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by University of Illinois Extension, Lake County Forest Preserves & SWALCO, native plants will be highlighted (May 10); planting for pollinators (July 12); butterflies …

Habitat HP Launched May 1, 2022 at Stupey Cabin

Habitat HP Launched May 1, 2022 at Stupey Cabin

Habitat Highland Park, a joint project of Go Green Highland Park and the League of Women Voters of Highland Park-Highwood, with funding support from the Rotary Club of Highland Park/Highwood, launched on Sunday, May 1 (Arbor Day rain date) by creating demonstration wildlife gardens on the grounds of historic Stupey Cabin. Focused on a goal ...

Leaf blower restrictions

While sheltering in place, many residents have noticed the noise and smell of the landscaping companies. Gas powered mowers and blowers are unpleasant and the emissions are bad for our lungs and yards. We have recently started a new project to compile a list of landscape companies that use electric equipment and offer sustainable yard …

Northwestern University subscribes to community solar

Northwestern University is going green! The university has become the first major commercial subscriber to Clearway Community Solar, the very same project we’re supporting through our community solar webinars. Read more here. The future of solar is bright here in Illinois, providing quality jobs, getting us off of fossil fuels and helping small farms generate …

Earth Day Coloring Page

Celebrate spring and 50 years of Earth Day with this beautiful coloring page, created for us by local artist Lori Oh. Hang it in your window all week long to show off your love for the planet. Love the artwork? Check out more of Lori’s amazing designs here.

Spring Vegetable Garden Workshop

No need to feel stuck indoors. Join us for a virtual spring vegetable growing workshop!Plant a spring vegetable garden now to start your own yard-to-table harvest! All you need is one planter and a place to plop it to get started. Registration required. This webinar will be led by Marissa Hopkins over Zoom. Pre-register here ...

Community Solar Webinar

Join GGHP and Trajectory Solar for a webinar on community solar, Thursday April 23, 7-8pm. If you live in a condo, have too many trees or a limited budget, this is a great way to go solar and save money. To register use this link. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F-615AKIQn-EwPbNhbhFzA

Safe donating during COVID19

Many folks are taking this time to go through their closets and have lots of items to donate. To keep organizations from being overloaded and to keep workers and recipients safe, bag up items by category and make sure they’re in usable condition. Because the virus can live on surfaces for many days, write the …