Habitat HP

Green Bay Trail Day July 27

Green Bay Trail Day July 27

Our Friends of the Green Bay Trail are holding a Green Bay Trail Day on Saturday, July 27 from 8:00am to noon from Hubbard Woods to Shelton Park. Come early. Stay to the end. Stroll the Trail to visit more than 30 stations for FREE live music, food, information for sustainable gardening, birding, fitness buffs, …

“Northern Illinois Trees” July 10

Learn more about the value of various types of trees and planting a diverse set of trees in your landscape.  Extension Master Gardeners will review alternatives to invasive or non-native trees and shrubs suitable to our northern Illinois conditions.  They will share best practices about how to care for and maintain your trees so they …

NWF Says Beware of Non-Native Milkweed

NWF Says Beware of Non-Native Milkweed

According to a recent article posted on the National Wildlife Federation website, “native wildlife co-evolved over thousands of years with the plants that originated within their ecosystem. Native plants provide food, cover, and places to raise young. In turn, wildlife benefits plants through pollination and spreading seeds.” With the best of intentions, however, we may …

“Edible Landscaping” June 12

“Edible Landscaping” June 12

Extension Master Gardeners continue this free online-only series, with ideas about adding edibles to your landscape. By combining trees, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers or small fruits and berries in aesthetically pleasing ways, edible landscapes can be just as attractive as ornamental ones. Learn how to “eat your yard” by creating a tasteful home landscape using …

“Wildlife Habitat As Part of Living Schoolyards”

“Wildlife Habitat As Part of Living Schoolyards”

“Wildlife Habitat As Part of Living Schoolyards” recorded webinar on May 2 featuring National Wildlife Federation representatives offered loads of examples to make more places — such as schoolyards — healthier, especially for children and wildlife. Full of specific ideas on how schoolyards can be designed to contribute to our goals for a healthier planet, …

Native Seed Exchange at Heller Nature Center

Native Seed Exchange at Heller Nature Center

Sunday, April 14-10:00 am-12:00 pm Offered by PDHP at Heller Nature Center Spring is the perfect season to start your wildflower garden. Exchange native seeds to bring home and to sow your very own native garden. Pre-registration required. Children under two are free. All other participants, children and adults, must register for the program. Children ...

Get Ready For Spring With These Over/After Winter Tips from NWF

Amy McCullough writes: “….Let’s assume you’ve wisely subscribed to the “leave the leaves” mantra—the recommendation to avoid excessive raking, pruning and tidying in fall and winter gardens. Leslie Uppinghouse, a lead horticulturist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, says blowing or hauling away leaves and other good organic material—then buying mulch …

“Vegetable Gardening” on March 13

“Vegetable Gardening” on March 13

Free 2024 Garden Learning Series continues at 6:00pm CT online only Imagine tasting your own vegetables picked fresh from your garden… Build your success with research-based methods that promote healthy, productive plants. To get the most out of your garden, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners will give you steps to plan and tend your …