
Illinois Solar Tour 2022

Illinois Solar Tour 2022

We enjoyed a successful HP Community Tour which 10 featured arrays: 8 residential installations, 1 park district property and 1 virtual tour of a local middle school rooftop! We also answered questions about community solar, EVs, Habitat gardens and more. Thank you City of Highland Park and PDHP for your help in creating this informative …

September Book Discussion

Join GGHP and HPPL Thursday, September 8, 1:30-3:00 to discuss Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman. This delightful read follows the small beginnings of a community garden through the first year as it grows food and community. Goodreads writes "Newbery-winning author Paul Fleischman uses thirteen speakers to bring to life a community garden's founding and first year. ...

June Book Discussion

Join Go Green HP, Highland Park Public Library and the League of Women Voters to discuss Saving Us by Katharine Hayhoe. Called “one of the nation’s most effective communicators on climate change” by The New York Times, Katharine Hayhoe knows how to navigate all sides of the conversation on our changing planet. A Canadian climate …

GGHP Open House

Stop by Curt’s Cafe Saturday, May 21 from 1-3 pm to find out more about our group, what we do and how you can get involved. Chat with our Habitat HP team, meet Linda from the North Shore Plant Club and get your recycling and compost questions answered.

Compost Awareness Week Declared in Illinois, May 1-7

Compost Awareness Week Declared in Illinois, May 1-7

Compost Awareness Week in Illinois is thanks to the collaborative efforts of State Senator Laura Fine, who introduced a Resolution in the Illinois General Assembly to recognize the week, as well as the U.S. Composting Council, the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition, Collective Resource Compost, and Go Green Winnetka, each of whom was integral to the ...

<strong>Make room for mushrooms! </strong>

<strong>Make room for mushrooms! </strong>

Irene Hoffman The most easily recognizable fungi are mushrooms. Fungi could be considered one of the most diverse, flexible and unique families on our planet.  Amongst agroforestry experts, doctors and environmental activists there is a general consensus: fungi can save the world. Mushrooms are a rich, low calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. They are easy ...

An Evening with Jan Schakowsky 3/22/22

Winnetka Congregational Church (WCC) will host Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky as part of a series of discussions on environmental justice. This event will focus on federal policies and initiatives in environmental justice impacting communities nationwide and globally.  Recent initiatives to curb plastic pollution and waste will be a key component of this discussion. The event will be …

Planting with Natives and Alternatives to Invasive Shrubs

Planting with Natives and Alternatives to Invasive Shrubs

Dreaming of spring gardening? Watch this informative webinar from a local expert “Planting with Natives and Native Alternatives to Invasive Shrubs” It’s only available until January 27, so don’t miss out! https://youtu.be/b5iZ8NvuSfY This is a great intro for anyone hoping to convert portions of their yard into habitat for pollinators and birds.

January Book Discussion

Join GGHP and the Highland Park Public Library over Zoom on January 18, 2022 at 1:30 to discuss, The Future We Choose, Surviving the Climate Crisis, by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. Goodreads writes, “The authors outline two possible scenarios for our planet. In one, they describe what life on Earth will be like by ...